Big thank you from

Felix Elmore and Ann's Potted Herring Recipes

Preparing the Herrings in the old days in Ardglass.

Preparing the Herrings in the old days in Ardglass.

Felix Elmores Recipe

"Take a dozen boned Ardglass herring leave them flat on the table.

Dust with salt & pepper.

Roll from the tail up.

Place in a greased tin each herring supporting the next to keep them from unfolding.

Add a good malt vinegar which should be seen between the herrings.

Add a sprinkling of all spice.

Cook in the oven until the herrings are a nice brown colour.

you can pot any herrings but none taste better than Ardglass .



potted herrings

Ann's Recipe for potted herrings, which, by the way, are only in season in June and July.

Just roll up the herrings.

Place them in a casserole dish.

Add black pepper.

Half fill the dish with white vinegar and a little water.

Drizzle some honey over the top.

Bake in a medium oven for about 30 mins.

