CARRYDUFF Presbyterian Church, which was formed in 1841, held
two special services on Sunday - a service of preparation for
Evangelistic Mission to begin in the church on Harvest Sunday,
October 9 and lasts for two weeks and the ordination and
installation of two new Elders to the Kirk Session.
At the morning service the special preacher was the Very
Reverend Doctor David McGaughey, senior minister of Mourne
Congregation I Kilkeel, and a former Moderator of the General
The scripture reading by Doctor McGaughey for the children's
address was taken from Luke 15: 1-7 when he began by giving an
account of fishing in Kilkeel.
The church choir rendered the anthem 'Faithful One', with words
and music by Brian Doerksen.
Doctor McGaughey for his address read
the scripture passage from John 15: 1-17 and then
challenged the congregation with three questions - Do we really need a mission? What should a
mission do for your congregation? Is mission a tremendous help
to Christians?
On giving a detailed explanation on the preceding questions he
took as his text The purpose
is to Glorify our God'. This was a very inspiring and
challenging address to the large gathering.
The minister
Reverend Alistair Smyth and Youth & Family Worker Mr. John McCandless
together with members of the Kirk Session have during the past
weeks been planning for the Evangelistic Mission and will be
delivered to many homes in the area with a colourful leaflet giving all the events and services during the two weeks mission.
The evening service saw the ordination and installation of
Tanya Adams and Colin Webster to the Eldership. The moderator of
the East Belfast Presbytery, the Reverend Alistair Bill
The new testament scripture reading, Romans 12: 19 -21 was read
by Reverend A.S. Smyth and the Church choir rendered the anthem
entitled 'All to Jesus I surrender'.
The Reverend Paul Jamieson, minister of Christ Church,
Dundonald, delivered a most challenging and stimulating charge taking as his text from the same scripture passage in which
he exhorted the newly-ordained Elders to the high calling they
received as Ruling Elders in the life and work of the church.
Also officiating from the presbytery was the clerk, Mr. Douglas
Cowan and the minister Reverend Alistar Smyth.
The church choir and church music group under the direction of
Mr. Lloyd Scales who also presided at the organ and piano led the
praise at both services.
A special offering was taken up at the evening service, a
reception was held for the newly ordained Ruling Elders in the
church hall, where Reverend A.S. Smyth welcomed members of East
Belfast Presbytery and all guests.
Ulster Star 23/09/2005