THE Dedication of the new Rectory for Christ Church Parish
Lisburn was held on Sunday October 16.
The worship was led by Canon Dr Ken Cochrane and the hymns sung
were: God Is Here,
We His People; Lord of the Home; Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah,
When You Walk With the Lord and May the Mind of Christ My
The Psalm was 127 - Unless The Lord Builds The House.
At morning worship the choir sang the anthem Holy, Holy, Holy
and the reading was Exodus 32 v.1-14, which was read by Mr Eric
The Rector, Rev Paul Dundas, used Ephesians 1 v.17 as his text
about knowing Christ better and knowing His will for our lives.
The church's Curate, Rev Diane Matchett, introduced the
Confirmation Group and the congregation were encouraged to pray
and support the young people as they go through the course
The Rural Dean led the intercessions and the earthquake in
Pakistan was the focus for the prayers of the family in Christ
At the end of the processional hymn the congregation walked over
to the front of the rectory.
The key was passed by the young people from the church to the
rectory. The rector read some scripture sentences and then the
Rural Dean, Rev Peter Galbraith, dedicated the new Rectory. The
key opening ceremony was performed by Dr Samuel Semple, Samuel
Bird and Emma Crowe.
The congregation were invited for refreshments to the Hall where
the Rural Dean congratulated the Parish on this momentous
occasion of the dedication of their second rectory.
Mr Jim Anderson spoke on behalf of the parish. He thanked Mr
Robert Bleakney, Architects, and the contractor, M E Crowe for
the professionalism in constructing a modern Rectory.
He wished the Rector, his wife Nola and their family every
blessing in the new Rectory.
The Rector congratulated the vestry for their vision and
determination in building the new rectory and hoped that the
rectory would be a place of welcome and blessing to all who
lived and called at the rectory.