All 13 churches in Dromore to be
featured on Internet
All 13
churches in and around Dromore Town Centre are among those to
feature in a new online article about places of worship in the
wider Lisburn area.
Penned by a former Dromore man, the
article includes 400-plus photographs of more than 130 churches
as well as identifying all the ministers and providing a brief
history of each church.
Though only newly completed, the article
is stirring up interest, having earned a mention at a recent
meeting of Dromore Historical Society.
It is also due to be the subject of an
article in the Presbyterian Herald.
At the weekend the author visited Gospel
meetings at Dromore�s
Ballygowan and
Edintrillick Mission Halls to complete his research.
At Ballygowan, on the Listullycurran
Road, where meetings are held every Saturday evening at 8pm, he
found Gordon Martin leading the service, assisted by Martin
Thompson, while Stephanie Gamble on piano, led the praise. The
soloist was Denver Wilson. Tom Orr, a retired Pastor, was guest
speaker and his address answered the question, �What are we
created for?�

Pictured on Saturday evening 5th
November 2005, are some of the people who lead the worship each
week at Ballygowan Mission Hall, Dromore. L to R: (front)
Karen Anderson, Stephanie Gamble, Elaine Thompson and Marion
Hall. (second row) John Hobson, Gordon Martin, Martin
Thompson, Norman Fleck and Philip Osborne. (back row) Steven
Shanks, George Fitzgerald and Stephen Gamble.
On Sunday evening he visited Edintrillick
Mission Hall where Gospel meetings are held on the first Sunday
of each month, again at 8pm. Robert Gamble led the service and
Stephanie Gamble, on organ, led the praise. Guest speaker
Samuel Cowan spoke about his work with the Seamen�s Christian
Friend Society.

Pictured on Sunday evening 6th
November 2005, are some of the people who lead the worship each
month at Edentrillick Mission Hall, near Dromore. L to R:
(front) Robert Gamble, Miss Sadie Dawson and Miss May Dawson.
(back row) Maurice Dawson, Stephanie Gamble - Organist and
Stephen Gamble.
Having first visited the mainstream
churches before moving on to the Mission Halls, the author said,
�I have actually been able to spend more time at these small
meetinghouses. I have witnessed at first hand the comradeship
that exists between each of these small fellowships and have
thoroughly enjoyed my visits to them all, and especially
gathering history that would undoubtedly have died with many of
the senior people that I interviewed for these articles.�
The completed article can be read on-line
by going to the �Churches Page� of and clicking on �Lisburn�s Churches�.
The article also provides a link to all
available church websites, and to books and church publications
currently on the Lisburn website