enthusiastic pupils from Friends' School Lisburn,
along with five willing teachers, took part in the Friends'
School Scripture Union Weekend in October.
It was held in Castlewellan Castle and the
huge demand for the weekend highlighted the success SU has had
this year.
The weekend began a fancy dress party, the
theme for this year being 'Superheroes'.
This brought out the creativity in everyone
with costumes varying from 'Superman' to 'Super
noodles' with 'Captain Underpants', 'Lara Croft' and 'The
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles' stealing the crown for best outfit.
The students then amused themselves with lots
of dancing and games before settling down to a good movie after
their annual night walk around the lake had been cancelled.
The first of the talks from guest speaker
Andi Oakes, who led the senior pupils, and Julianne Quilty who
spoke on the foundations of Christianity to the junior pupils,
were held the next morning.
The two are very talented speakers who brought
extremely relevant and thought provoking messages, which left
everyone on a spiritual high for the rest of the day.
A visit to Castlewellan was next up in the
afternoon, whilst the evening meeting proved to be another very
powerful teaching session. It gave some of the senior pupils the
opportunity to open up and share their own feelings and personal
struggles, again leaving the students with a lot to think about.
Some lively worship and powerful, encouraging
words from the speakers was enough to wake the students up
following a night of fun and games.
"The meetings touched and challenged the
pupils with some sharing what the teachings had meant for them
personally" said one of the pupils, Louise Gilmore.
"Each of the students left with heavy hearts
with everyone being reluctant to go, especially the Year 14s who
would be leaving for the very last time."
The weekend ended on a high note with an
interesting walk around the maze.
Louise said, "Our time in Castlewellan has
taught us so much more about giving your all to God and living
your life for Him, and will be an experience that won't be
forgotten in a hurry.
"Thanks must go to the incredible S U
Committee who worked tirelessly and with stead-fast devotion to
make the weekend what it was."