THE Girls' Brigade NI launched their new website at a special GB
Roadshow held in Trinity Methodist Conference Centre, Lisburn
recently for all GB leaders in Northern Ireland.
At the event
GB leaders were invited to surf the new web site designed by Red
Rhino in Trinity's purpose built IT suite. The design brief
was to reflect the youth and Christian ethos of our organisation
and to keep the site very user friendly and easy to navigate",
said Alison Irvine, Marketing Officer for GBNI.
"We have been
working on this for some months now, taking our members views
and requests into account, and really feel we have launched a
good site which looks and works well for our members and also
for those with little or no knowledge of what GB is or does."
One new feature on the site is a member's only section where GB
leaders can access programme resources, meeting and training
calendars, administration forms, the GB Newsletter, and Girls'
Brigade policy documents. This was a key requirement to
facilitate the needs of the Captains and Officers, who are
increasingly using computerised records. A comprehensive links
section gives a ready made wealth of resources too. Also new
is a Parents' page, Chaplains' page and pages dedicated to 'Join
Us' and 'How to start a GB in your Church'.

At the request of the girls themselves there is now a
competitions results page where they can view the progress of
their rival teams in various events.
Future developments will include a girls' zone and on line
shopping where parents will be able to view and order online
their daughters uniforms. Also attending the roadshow, were
organisations such as outdoor pursuits centres, craft suppliers,
charities like ChildLine, and travel companies. The event was
designed to inspire and equip the GB leaders currently planning
their programme for the incoming GB session starting in
September. Now all the inspiration the GB leaders need is just a
click away at