City Centre Ministers pictured prior to the Good Friday
�Carrying of the Cross� march of witness in Lisburn. L
to R: (front) The Rev. John Brackenridge - 1st
Lisburn Presbyterian Church, Rev.
Paul Dundas
- Christ Church and the Very Rev. Sean Rogan - St
Patrick�s Roman Catholic Church. (back row) The
Rev. Brian Gibson - Railway Street Presbyterian
Church, Pastor George Hilary - Lisburn Christian
Fellowship, the Rev. Brian Anderson - Seymour Street
Methodist Church, Canon Sam Wright - Lisburn Cathedral
and the Rev. Ken McGrath - Lisburn Cathedral.
The annual Good
Friday �Carrying of the Cross� march of witness was held in
Lisburn on 25th March 2005. Led by the Lisburn City
Centre Ministers, the procession made its way along Bow Street
to Market Square for a short act of Worship at 1.00pm,
witnessing the importance of the Lord�s death and resurrection
as our only hope for life and eternity.
The Rev. Brian
Gibson, Minister of Railway Street Presbyterian Church, welcomed
those assembled (about 300 people) and the Very Rev. Sean Rogan
- St Patrick�s Roman Catholic Church, introduced the opening
hymn, �Amazing Grace�. The Rev. Paul
Dundas - Minister of Christ Church, gave an Easter
Reading from Matthew 27: 45 - 54; and
in a short Easter Reflection he took as his theme: - �What is
�Good� about this Friday?� He stated that is was �Good� because
the Cross demonstrated: �God�s love was sacrificed�; �That Sin
was dealt with�; and �Hope because Jesus Rose Again.�
Rev. Brian Anderson - Minister of Seymour Street Methodist
Church, led prayers, including the Lord�s Prayer.
The closing item of worship was,
�When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.�
Other Lisburn City
Centre Ministers taking part were: The Rev. John Brackenridge -
1st Lisburn Presbyterian Church, Pastor George Hilary
- Lisburn Christian Fellowship and Canon Sam Wright - Lisburn
The annual Good Friday �Carrying of the Cross� march
of witness makes it way along Bow Street, Lisburn, to
Market Square for a short act of Worship at 1.00pm.
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The Rev. Brian Gibson, Minister of Railway Street
Presbyterian Church, Lisburn, is pictured welcoming
those assembled at Market Square, Lisburn, for a short
act of Worship following the Good Friday �Carrying of
the Cross� march of witness.
The Very Rev. Sean Rogan - St Patrick�s Roman
Catholic Church, is pictured leading the Easter praise
during a short act of Worship in Market Square on Good
Friday 25th March 2005.
The Rev. Paul Dundas - Minister of Christ Church, is
pictured giving an Easter Reading during a short act of
Worship in Market Square on Good Friday 25th March 2005.
The Rev. Brian Anderson - Minister of Seymour Street
Methodist Church, is pictured leading prayers during a
short act of Worship in Market Square on Good Friday
25th March 2005.
Following the annual Good Friday �Carrying of the
Cross� march of witness on 25th March 2005, about 300
people gathered in Market Square for a short act of
Written by:
John A. Kelly |