Having almost completed an article on all
churches in Lisburn and the surrounding area, a member of a
Lisburn City Centre church, visited Ballymacbrennan and
Beanstown Mission Hall last weekend to add the final touches to
the article. Showing over 400 photographs of over 130 churches
and all ministers and a brief history of each church, the
article, which is now complete, provides an instant link to all
available church websites, and also to books and church
publications currently on the this website,
www.lisburn.com which is owned and managed by Mr Jim Collins.
On Sunday afternoon 6th November
2005, he visited Beanstown Mission Hall, on the Beanstown Road,
Lisburn, where Gospel Meetings are held on the first Sunday
afternoon of each month at 3.30pm, under the leadership of
Robert Watson and his sister Mrs. Margaret Sharkey. The service
last Sunday afternoon was led by Margaret Sharkey, and Rosemary
Cambell on the organ, led the praise. The guest speaker was Mr.
Tom McKinstry who spoke about the work of Bible Centred
Ministries (B.C.M.).

Pictured on Sunday afternoon 6th
November 2005, are some of the people that gather for worship
each month at Beanstown Mission Hall.
L to R: (front) Billy McCleery, Margaret Sharkey, Robert
Watson, Wesley Campbell and Rosemary Campbell - Organist. (back
row)John Spence, Sammy Law, Harper, Kirkpatrick, Jean Kennedy,
Betty Kirkpatrick, Annie McKeown and Jim Reid.
On Monday evening, he visited,
Ballymacbrennan School Hall, on the Saintfield Road, Lisburn,
where Gospel Meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month
at 8.00pm under the leadership of Mr. David Adams and Mr. Norman
Moore. The fellowship was holding Harvest Thanksgiving
Services on Sunday evening 6th November and Monday
evening 7th November 2005. The guest speaker on
Sunday evening was Mr. Andrew Mullan - A student for the
ministry. Mrs Joy Johnston, on piano led the praise and Miss
Ruth Trimble and Miss Lindsey Ward sang a duet. The guest
speaker on Monday evening was the Rev. Fred Greenfield -
Minister of Newtownards Free Presbyterian Church. Playing his
accordion, he led the hearty singing of great old Gospel harvest
hymns that included, �Bringing in the sheaves�. He also sang
the solos, �His blood washes whiter that snow� and �Father dear,
I�m coming home.� The offering was donated to Child Evangelism
Fellowship (C.E.F.).

Ballymacbrennan School Hall leaders and
guest speaker, pictured at the Harvest Service on Monday evening
6th November 2005.
L to R: (front) David Adams, Norman Moore, Desmond Shortt and
John Martin. Standing at the pulpit is the Rev. Fred Greenfield
- Minister of Newtownards Free Presbyterian Church. In the
background is a painting by the late Jack Calderwood, showing a
harvest scene.