MEMBERS of the Lisburn congregation of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints spent Saturday September 17 working
together on a community service project called 'Helping Hands.'
Over 40 volunteers helped paint several rooms of Seymour House
nursing home in Dunmurry and added some winter protection to the
garden furniture.
Brenda Ballard, project co-ordinator for the church, explained
the reasons for choosing Seymour House:" The nurses were very
good to my Pappy" she said. "For almost two years they took care
of him and our family never forgot what Seymour House did for
"On the day of service the staff were super and made sure we
were alright. Now and then they would pop in to see how we were
getting on. We had lots of fun."
project was part of the international 'Helping Hands' church
service pro-gramme to beautify, and improve local communities.
Bishop James Parker, leader of the Lisburn branch of the church,
said: "Members of the church are committed to following the
example of Jesus Christ in giving genuine service.
"It's our way of reaching out to our fellow-men."
Established four years ago in Brazil, the 'Helping Hands' day of
service has now become one of the largest global service
projects involving hundreds of thousands of Latter-Day Saints
and their friends.