At a Service of Ordination and Installation
in Hillhall Presbyterian Church on Sunday 6th
November 2005 at 6.30pm, Russell Andrews, Alan Beattie, Hazel
Campbell, Margaret Graham, Winston Graham, James Stewart and
Phyllis Walker were ordained as Elders.
The Rev. Bobby Liddle - Moderator of
Dromore Presbytery and the Rev. Jack Richardson - Minister of
Hillhall and Acting Clerk of Dromore Presbytery led the
service. The Rev. Adrian McLernon - Minister of Drumbo
gave the �Scriptural Warrant
for the Eldership� based on a portion of Scripture
from Titus 1: V 5 � 9. The Rev. Bobby Liddle - Moderator of
Dromore Presbytery conducted the Act of Ordination and
Installation and the Rev. Kenneth Smyth - Senior Minister of
Drumbo Presbyterian Church gave a meaningful and practical
�Charge to the Elders and the Congregation� based on a portion
of Scripture from Romans 12.
Woods - Organist, and the Church Choir led the praise, which
included: �How lovely is Your dwelling place�; �May the mind of
Christ my Saviour� and �Lord of creation, to You be the
praise�. The Young People�s C.E., accompanied by Joanne Louden
on piano sang, �The Lord is my Shepherd�.
A special offering was taken on behalf of
the Students� Bursary Fund and after the Service of Ordination
ladies of the congregation served an excellent supper in the
Church Lecture Hall.

Newly ordained elders pictured with the
Commission from the Presbytery of Dromore at Hillhall
Presbyterian Church on Sunday 6th November 2005. L to R: (front
row) Russell Andrews, Alan Beattie, Hazel Campbell, Margaret
Graham, Winston Graham, James Stewart and Phyllis Walker. (back
row) The Rev. Jack Richardson - Minister of Hillhall and Acting
Clerk of Dromore Presbytery, Rev. Kenneth Smyth - Drumbo Senior
Minister, The Rev. Bobby Liddle - Moderator of Dromore
Presbytery, Rev. Adrian McLernon - Minister of Drumbo, John
Connor - Hillhall Clerk of Session and Representative Elder,
Noel Adams - Legacurry Representative Elder and Roy Patterson -
Drumbo Representative Elder.

Newly ordained elders and existing elders
pictured with the Commission from the Presbytery of Dromore at
Hillhall Presbyterian Church on Sunday 6th November 2005. L to
R: (front row) The Rev. Adrian McLernon - Minister of Drumbo,
the Rev. Jack Richardson - Minister of Hillhall and Acting Clerk
of Dromore Presbytery, Russell Andrews, Alan Beattie, Hazel
Campbell, Margaret Graham, Winston Graham, James Stewart,
Phyllis Walker and the Rev. Kenneth Smyth - Drumbo Senior
Minister. (second row) Roy Patterson - Drumbo Representative
Elder, Noel Adams - Legacurry Representative Elder, Edna Jebb,
Georgie McNeill, Alan McNeill, John Connor - Hillhall Clerk of
Session and Representative Elder, Kenneth Scott, Elizabeth
Nesbitt, Lorraine Smyth, Tommy Dixon, Jim Spence and the Rev.
Bobby Liddle - Moderator of Dromore Presbytery. (back row) Harry
Stewart, Ronnie Crawford, Harry Simpson, Robert Pauly, Norman
McConnell, Joseph Lockhart, Roy McNeill, Bertie Nesbitt and
Jackie Bell.