(Pictured at a service in First Lisburn Presbyterian
Church on Sunday 3rd April 2005 is L to R (front) The Rt. Rev.
Dr. Ken Newell - Moderator of the General Assembly and the Rev.
John Brackenridge - Minister of First Lisburn Presbyterian
Church. (back row) The Rev. Brian Gibson - Railway Street
Presbyterian Church, Pastor George Hilary - Lisburn Christian
Fellowship and the Very Rev. Sean Rogan, PP - St Patrick�s Roman
Catholic Church.)
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Ken Newell, Moderator of the General
Assembly, was the special guest at a service in First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening 3rd April 2005.
The Rev. John Brackenridge led the service and gave the call
to worship. Church Army Officer, Pastor Phil Haines - Lisburn
Cathedral and the Rev. Brian Gibson - Railway Street
Presbyterian Church led the prayers. The Very Rev. Sean Rogan,
PP - St Patrick�s Roman Catholic Church and Mr. Rodney McCrea -
Society Steward in Seymour Street Methodist gave the bible
readings. Pastor George Hilary - Lisburn Christian Fellowship
introduced a praise item �I Call to You� composed and sung by
Helen Reid accompanied on the guitar.
The offering was donated to the Moderator�s Appeal.
In his sermon Dr. Newell explained the need to - Centre
yourself on the Love of Jesus; choose to let the love of Christ
challenge you; and choose to live an inclusive lifestyle in
The Moderator�s �Three L� theme is - �Live a
Life of Love� (Ephesians 5 v 2). After
speaking about Jesus� miracles: Making the deaf hear; the blind
see; the lame walk; the lepers healed; and the dead rise; the
Moderator expanded his �Three L� theme to �Five L�s� asking the
congregation to �Live a Life of
Love in Lisburn and Look
out for the miracles.� He said that where God is active -
miracles will happen and commended the Christian leadership
given by all church leaders in the city of Lisburn.
From Monday 4th April to Thursday 28th April, the
Presbyterian Moderator Dr Ken Newell and his wife Val
represented the Presbyterian Church in Ireland during a visit to
Australia and Singapore, before travelling to the Tamil Nadu
Coastal area of India, where they will visited the areas
effected by the Tsunami disaster.
With donations still continuing to come in, the Presbyterian
Church's Tsunami Appeal has topped the 1.8 million pound mark.
The money will be donated to Christian Aid, Tear Fund and the
Church of North India.
The Presbyterian Church held a special event 'Overwhelmed -
Tsunami and Beyond' in Church House, Belfast on Thursday 19 May
2005 to thank people for their generosity and allowing them to
hear first hand from the relief agencies how their money has
been used for emergency relief and long term development in the
countries effected by the Tsunami.
Pictured at a service in First
Lisburn Presbyterian Church on Sunday 3rd April 2005
are L to R: Mr. Perry Reid - Clerk of Session, Mrs.
Jaqui Brackenridge, Mrs. Elizabeth Watt, Mrs. Val
Newell, the Rev. Brian Gibson - Railway Street
Presbyterian Church, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Ken Newell -
Moderator of the General Assembly, Pastor George
Hilary - Lisburn Christian Fellowship, the Rev. John
Brackenridge - First Lisburn Presbyterian Church,
the Very Rev. Sean Rogan, PP - St Patrick�s Roman
Catholic Church and Mrs. Jean Gibson.
Mr. Perry Reid - Clerk of Session
(left) and Mrs. Elizabeth Watt present gifts to the
Rt. Rev. Dr. Ken Newell - Moderator of the General
Assembly and his wife Mrs. Val Newell at a service
in First Lisburn Presbyterian Church on Sunday 3rd
April 2005.
Written by:
John A. Kelly |