The Senior Members Christmas Tea, organised
by the Pastoral Care and Friendship Visitors team, was held on
Saturday 3rd December in Railway Street Presbyterian
Church. Being the 60th Anniversary of VE and VJ Day,
the ladies prepared a special wartime theme and dressed up in
aprons and overalls typical of that decade. The hall was draped
in Union Jack bunting and there was an interesting display of
wartime cards, posters and memorabilia.
John and June Gordon led the singing of old
wartime songs that included: Bless Them All, Goodnight
Sweetheart, A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square, Run Rabbit Run
and White Cliffs of Dover.
After a lovely dinner served by the ladies
Santa (Ian Barron) arrived with a gift for everyone after which
Dr. Cromie gave a brief Christmas Message about how in the
hustle and bustle of Christmas Shopping and festivities, we
sometimes completely forget that it is the birth of Jesus Christ
that we are celebrating. Mrs. Kathleen Cromie supported Dr.
Cromie�s address by reading three of her poems entitled:
Christmas in the High Street, Christmas Remembered and What if?
The afternoon concluded with the singing of the well-known
Christmas Carol - Silent Night after which Dr. Cromie said the
Benediction and everyone joined in the Lord�s Prayer.
Pictured at the Senior Members Christmas
Tea in Railway Street Presbyterian Church on Saturday 3rd
December are L to R: (front row) Alice Shaw, Iris McKibbin,
Sadie Magee, May French, Jean Patterson and Martha Thomson.
(back row) Alec Hanna, Kathleen Cromie, Betty Bowman, Very Rev.
Dr. Howard Cromie, May Griffin, Margaret Mulholland, Eric Scott
and Edna Hadden.