Pictured at a 24-hour
Worship event at Lisburn Christian Fellowship
last weekend is L to R: (front row) George and
Melanie Hilary - LCF Church Leaders, Andi Oakes
and Dolly Galloway. (back row) Raymond
Robinson, Peter Galloway and Mark Wilkinson.
Lisburn Christian Fellowship held a 24-hour
Worship, Praise and Thanksgiving Event last weekend from 9.00pm
on Friday evening to 9.00pm on Saturday evening. Led by Peter
Galloway and musicians from LCF and several local churches, the
aim of the event was to lift up the name of the Lord through
music, song, prayer and all forms of the arts and also to give
thanks for the blessing bestowed on the City of Lisburn through
the recent Crown Jesus Ministries events. Stephen McLoughlin
and musicians from Focus were the guests on Friday night and
Andi Oakes, worship leader from Rebuild Ministries, was the
guest singer on Saturday evening. Andi appropriately rounded
off the marathon event with the song: How great is our God -
Name above all names.