Ballycairn Presbyterian Church, opened for worship in April
1926. A Psalm Service on Sunday 19th November marked the
historical milestone of 80 years of worship in the present
Ballycairn Presbyterian Church. The minister, the Rev Victor
Sinclair, led the service and welcomed the congregation and the
many visitors including special guests, the Mayor - Councillor
Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn. The Mayor read
from the Psalms and for his address, Mr Sinclair took as his
text Psalm 118 v 24, �This is the day that the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it.� The Psalm, which is a song of
praise, assurance and celebration, was the favourite psalm of
the great reformer Martin Luther. Mr Sinclair spoke of two
themes - history and victory emphasising the need to rejoice in
the history of the congregation and in the victory of the
Christian Gospel, which provides the opportunity for worship and
service. Guest organist, John Getty and the church choir led the
congregational praise of well-known Psalms that included, �The
Lord�s my Shepherd�. The choir sang the anthems, �All people
that on earth do dwell�, �I love the Lord� and �Come let us to
the Lord our God�. After the service refreshments were served in the church hall
where the Mayor, Councillor Trevor Lunn, brought the greetings
of Lisburn City Council. He spoke of his pleasure in accepting
the Rev Victor Sinclair�s invitation to such an historical
occasion, expressing that it was particularly enjoyable to have
an entire service of Psalm singing. The first Ballycairn church was situated near Drumbo village on
the left hand side of the Mealough Road to Leverogue. The
foundation stones of the present church (situated between
Ballylesson and Shaw�s Bridge) were laid in 1925 and the church
was opened for worship in April 1926. The first minister, Mr
Adam Montgomery, was ordained on 23rd June 1830, and died on
16th May 1888. He was followed in turn by, Mr George Duncan
(1888- 1908), Rev Samuel James Clarke (1908-1931), Rev William
John Latimer (1931- 1949), Rev Marshall McCreery (1949- 1974).
The sixth and present minister, the Rev Victor Sinclair, was
installed in April 1975 and during his ministry the new
extension was added. It was opened on Sunday 1st July 1984 by
the Rev Cowper Lynas, Acting Moderator of Belfast South