Sisters Nicola and Nadine
Anderson, both from 1st Lisburn Presbyterian GB,
and Judith Watson, Finaghy Methodist GB, who are
travelling with group leader Tracy Allen, also
from 1st Lisburn GB, to Romania this summer to
work in a children's mission camp run by
'Children for Christ'. Tracy was unavailable for
the photo. US25-707SP
FOUR local members of the Girls' Brigade will
be travelling to Romania this summer to spend time working with
underprivileged children at a special summer camp.
Whilst many local people will be currently
preparing for a summer holiday in sunnier climates, the girls
have decided to spend their holiday in Europe in a different
Sisters Nicola and Nadine Anderson both from
1st Lisburn Presbyterian GB, group leader Tracy Allen also from
1st Lisburn GB and Judith Watson, of Finaghy Methodist GB have
been selected by the Girls' Brigade Northern Ireland, to travel
to Romania in a few weeks time to help with a summer camp
organised by 'Children for Christ'.
The format is similar to a Holiday Bible Club
with Bible teaching plus games, crafts etc. The Camp runs all
summer with a new set of 50 children from very disadvantaged
backgrounds attending every week.
The leaders are Romanian Christians; the
local girls will not be doing any of the teaching, but will have
opportunities to join in all the activities, as well as
assisting with all the duties associated with a residential
Ulster Star