Do you ever wonder is there more to life than our day-to-day
routines' Is this all there is'
Want to find out more' Come and join us on Wednesday
20th September at 7.30pm in The Old School, Main Street, Moira
(opposite the Police Station) for a light buffet supper and an
introduction to The Alpha Course. This evening is a taster to
allow people to decide if they would like to participate in the
Alpha Course.
The Alpha Course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the
meaning of life as we look at the Christian faith in a relaxed,
non-threatening, low-key, friendly and fun atmosphere. The
ten-week course looks at a variety of topics such as �Who is
Jesus'� and �What relevance does he have today'� and includes
the opportunity for questions and discussion. Alpha is
especially for those wanting to investigate Christianity, new
Christians and those who want to brush up on the basics.
Linvoy Primus, a Premiership footballer, had this to say
about The Alpha Course, �There comes a point in our lives when
we ask, �what is this all about' Is there more to life
than what we are doing now'� - a stepping stone to finding out
is the Alpha Course.�
To find out more about The Alpha Course click on or email or contact Roderic West 9261
