Harvest thanksgiving services at Ballinderry
Parish, Killaney Parish and Glenavy Methodist
A Harvest Thanksgiving Service in Ballinderry Parish Church on
Friday evening 13th October at 8.00pm will commence a
weekend of harvest celebration at Ballinderry. The guest
speaker on Friday evening will be the Rev Alan McCann, rector of
Woodburn Parish, Carrickfergus. The guest speaker at the morning
harvest service on Sunday 15th October at 11.30am
will be the Rev Angus McCullough, minister of Magheragall
Presbyterian Church and the guest speaker at the evening harvest
service on Sunday 15th October at 7.00pm will be the
Rev William Orr, curate of Shankill Parish, Lurgan. Robert Yarr
on organ and the Ballinderry Parish Church choir will lead the
praise and the Sunday evening service will commence with
community hymn singing at 6.45pm.
The Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs
Laureen Lunn will be the special guests at a Harvest
Thanksgiving service in St. Andrew�s Church, Killaney (near
Boardmills) on Sunday afternoon 15th October at 3.00pm. The Rev
John Auchmuty, rector of of Carryduff and Killaney Parishes,
will conduct the service and the music will be provided by
Alasdair MacLoughlin and the Carryduff Parish Church choir. The
visiting preacher will be the Rev Warren Russell, rector of
Magheradroll Parish.
The Mayor and Mayoress will also be the special guests at a
Harvest Thanksgiving service in Glenavy Methodist Church on
Sunday evening 15th October at 7.00pm when the speaker will be
the minister, the Rev Leslie Spence. The guest speaker at the
10.30am Sunday morning service will be the Rev James Lemon. The
harvest celebrations will conclude on Monday evening at 7.45pm
with a concert entitled �The Organist Entertains� featuring
classic, pop and religious music with guest organist Mark
Ireland from Devon.