members from Ballinderry Parish Church are going on a three
missionary outreach to Mekelle in Northern Ethiopia on Sunday 6th
August 2006. Led by Valerie Ellis - Crosslinks, the all age
team comprising of teens upwards will assist Karen Salmon, Link
Mission partner with Crosslinks, a missionary organisation
working worldwide under the headline �God�s Word to God�s
World�. They will be involved in taking Holiday Bible Clubs in
the local orphanage, hospital visitation and any other practical
work required. Whilst many members of the parish have
undertaken mission work abroad before, this is the first time
the church family has sent a complete team. Everyone in the
parish is involved - some going, some encouraging, some
fundraising, some supporting, and above all - many praying. The
team have organised the following events to help with raising
funds for the trip and they would request that as many people as
possible attend either or both of these fundraising events.
Saturday 13th May -
10.00am to 12noon:
Coffee Morning, cake sale and car boot sale at Ballinderry
Parish Church Hall.
This is a great opportunity to discover that YOU
have cash in the attic. Come and help the team make
some money for the trip whilst you enjoy morning coffee and
Saturday 3rd June at
Barbeque and auction of gifts, talents and promises at
Ballinderry Parish Church Hall.
Perhaps you need a baby sitter or would
like to donate an item of talent to be auctioned. Everyone is
welcome to come and join the team in these lots of fun - fund
raising events.
For more information contact: Mrs. Ray
Harris, Ballinderry Rectory. Telephone: 028 9265 1310.

Pictured above are
thirteen members of Ballinderry Parish
Church who are going on a three missionary
outreach to Mekelle in Northern Ethiopa next
August. L to R: (front row)
Valerie Ellis - Crosslinks, Ray
Harris, Heather Tuft, Jill Hendron, Jenna
Boyd and Susanna Tuft. (second row) Sandra
Livingstone, Rae Gamble, Mona Thomas and
Melinda Killough. (back row)
Kenny Clements, Canon Ernest Harris,
Michael Hendron and Paul Hendron.