Bible Sunday at Friends� School
Pictured at Bible Sunday in Friends� School on
Sunday evening 18th June is L to R: Mr Maurice
Gowdy, Mrs Elizabeth Dickson, Mrs Hilda Shepherd, Dr
David Shepherd, Ms Linda Heggarty and Mr David
Bible Sunday at Friends� School was held on
Sunday evening 18th June. Each year the Ulster Home
Mission Committee of the Religious Society of Friends arranges
the presentation of Bibles to the Sixth Form leavers from
Friends� School. Inscribed with the Friends� School crest,
these Bibles form an important reminder of a pupil�s time at
School. They are also a link with the Religious Society of
Friends, under whose auspices the School was founded in 1774.
The speaker on Sunday was Dr David
Shepherd, Principal of the Belfast Bible College. The Bibles
were presented by David Shepherd�s wife, Hilda, herself a former
pupil of Friends� School and Head Girl in the 1990-1991 school
Bibles were also presented to Therese
Gorman of the Art Department, Derek Shuter, who retired as Vice
Principal last October, and to Maurice Gowdy, Vice Principal,
who retires at the end of term after thirty-five years at
Friends� School.
Mrs Judith Miskelly pictured with her twin
daughters Louise (left) and Ruth at Bible Sunday in
Friends� School on Sunday evening 18th June.
Mrs Sylvia Kelly pictured with her daughter Laura
at Bible Sunday in Friends� School on Sunday evening
18th June.
Twins Ruth (left) and Louise Miskelly (right) and
Laura Kelly pictured at Bible Sunday in Friends�
School on Sunday evening 18th June.
Rowan Davidson (left) pictured with his parents
Tom and Beryl and younger brother Jonathan at Bible
Sunday in Friends� School on Sunday evening 18th
Susannah Scott - Deputy Head Girl pictured with
her parents Margaret and Robert at Bible Sunday in
Friends� School on Sunday evening 18th June.
The Millar and Jefferson families pictured at
Bible Sunday in Friends� School on Sunday evening
18th June. L to R: Mrs Margaret Miller
and her son Ryan, Mrs Cora Jefferson with daughters
Louise, Laura (right) and little Zoe (at front).
Mrs Margaret Miller and her son Ryan pictured at
Bible Sunday in Friends� School on Sunday evening
18th June.
Ryan Cree and Laura Jefferson pictured at Bible
Sunday in Friends� School on Sunday evening 18th
Pictured at Bible Sunday in Friends� School on
Sunday evening 18th June is L to R: (front) Lauren
Allen, Anna Cameron, Katie Laverick and Victoria
Jordan - Head Girl. (back) Rachel Taylor,
Laura Kelly and Linzi Bell.
Pictured at Bible Sunday in Friends� School on
Sunday evening 18th June is L to R: (front) Peter
Edgar, David O�Neill, Stuart Bothwell - Head Boy.
(back) Julie Dillon, Louise Gilmore, Emma Swift,
Rosalind Haire and Katie Collins.
Pictured at Bible Sunday in Friends� School on
Sunday evening 18th June is L to R: (front)
Ryan Cree, Alan Hanna, Andrew McCullough, Rowan
Davidson. (back row) Rebecca McCrossan,
Danielle McCullough - Deputy Head Girl, Andrew
McGuigan - Deputy Head Boy, Laura Jefferson, Paul
McCullough and Stephen Kerr.