Greta Baxter - Organist (sixth from left in front
row) and First Dromore Church Choir pictured at the
Carol Service in First Dromore Presbyterian Church last
Sunday afternoon (17th December).
Members of the First Dromore Praise Group pictured at
the Carol Service in First Dromore Presbyterian Church
last Sunday afternoon (17th December). Elizabeth
Humphries (seated at keyboard) and L to R: Michael Pyper,
John Humphreys, Valerie Patterson, Gillian Moore, Celia
Montgomery, William Moore and Philip Montgomery.
Members of the congregation who read the Scripture
lessons at the Carol Service in First Dromore
Presbyterian Church last Sunday afternoon (17th
December). L to R: (front) Pamela Gibson (Girls Brigade)
and Lauren Alderdice (Sunday School). (back row) Alan
Poots (Congregational Committee), Cecil Gamble (Session)
and Matthew Poots (Boys Brigade).
A Carol Service was held in First Dromore Presbyterian Church
last Sunday afternoon (17th December). The minister, the Rev
Keith Duddy conducted the service and welcomed the large
congregation. Greta Baxter - Organist and the Church Choir sang �Like a candle
flame�, �Midnight� and �He became poor to ransom my soul (with
solo part by Arlene Poots)�. Elizabeth Humphries on keyboard and
the Praise Group sang �Winter Song� and �O Holy Night�. The
organist, choir and praise group led the congregational singing
of well-known carols - �O come, all you faithful�, �Angels from
the realms of glory�, �Come and join the celebration�, �Silent
night� and �Hark! The herald angels sing�. The readings were:
Isaiah 9:2-7 by Pamela Gibson (Girls Brigade), Luke 1:26-38 by
Matthew Poots (Boys Brigade), Luke 2:1-7 by Lauren Alderdice
(Sunday School), Luke 2:8-20 by Alan Poots (Congregational
Committee) and John 18:28-40 by Cecil Gamble (Session). Speaking from John 18:37, the Rev Keith Duddy explained that
Christ was born in order to testify to the truth. The Lord Jesus
Christ came to declare the truth that God is a great and mighty
King and the parallel truth that people need His saving and
keeping presence in their lives. In wishing people a very happy
Christmas, Mr Duddy challenged the congregation to accept
nothing but the truth at Christmas. Following the service tea was served in the Church Hall.