Lisburn City Centre Ministers pictured at the 2006
Carols in the City Concert in the Lagan Valley Island on
Wednesday 13th December. L to R: Rev Paul Dundas -
Christ Church, Pastor George Hilary - Lisburn Christian
Fellowship, Rev Brian Gibson - Railway Street, Rev Dr
Brian Fletcher (Guest speaker), Fr Dermot McCaughan - St
Patrick�s, Rev Brian Anderson - Seymour Street and Rev
John Brackenridge - First Lisburn. Missing from the
photo is Canon Sam Wright - Lisburn Cathedral.
Robert Davidson - Conductor (left) and Tom Whyte -
Chairman (right) pictured with Garvey Silver Band at the
2006 Carols in the City Concert in the Lagan Valley
Island on Wednesday 13th December.
Nuala McGoran - conductor (left) and Maria Gough -
Principal (right) pictured with St Joseph�s Primary
School Choir at the 2006 Carols in the City Concert in
the Lagan Valley Island on Wednesday 13th December.
Missing from the photo is Nuala�s mother Monica McGoran
who accompanied the choir on piano.
The fourth �Carols In the City� concert, organised by the
Lisburn City Centre Ministers� Fellowship was held in the Lagan
Valley Island on Wednesday 13th December. Garvey Silver Band led the singing of well-known Christmas
Carols - �O Come all ye faithful�, �O little town of Bethlehem�
and �Hark the Herald Angels sing� and also played a medley of
Christmas tunes. St Joseph�s Primary School Choir conducted by
Nuala McGoran and accompanied by her mother Monica McGoran, sang
�No room for Mary� and �Ring the Bells�. Meadow Bridge Primary
School Choir, conducted by Angela Campbell and accompanied by
Joan Shields sang �You are my Brother� and �Love shone down�.
Soloist Lynn McAllister from Seymour Street Methodist
accompanied by Christine Cairns sang �Candlelight Carol� and
�Love shone down�. Fr Dermot McCaughan, the new Parish Priest of
St Patrick�s, read the Bible reading from John Ch 1. Lindsay
Easson, from Seymour Street Methodist, produced a powerpoint
presentation entitled �Contrasts of Christmas�. David Honeyford
and Alistair Cousin (both from Lisburn Christian Fellowship)
were in charge of the lighting and sound. Music Matters supplied
the piano that was used during the evening.
Angela Campbell - Conductor (left) and accompanist
Joan Shields (right) pictured with Meadow Bridge Primary
School Choir at the 2006 Carols in the City Concert in
the Lagan Valley Island on Wednesday 13th December.
Soloist Lynn McAllister (left) from Seymour Street
Methodist and accompanist Christine Cairns pictured at
the 2006 Carols in the City Concert in the Lagan Valley
Island on Wednesday 13th December.
David Honeyford (left) and Alistair Cousin (both from
Lisburn Christian Fellowship) were in charge of the
lighting and sound at the 2006 Carols in the City
Concert in the Lagan Valley Island on Wednesday 13th
The special guest was the Rev Dr Brian Fletcher, former
president of the Methodist Church in Ireland. In a short
Christmas message he spoke of how God gave of himself when he
came in Jesus at Christmas and how he became flesh and made his
dwelling among us. Unwrapping a selection of presents he asked
how God�s greatest love gift will affect us this Christmas: Will
it be something of little interest - like a pair of socks;
something of immediate excitement like a box of chocolates -
that does not last; something unused like a book that perhaps
you are too busy to read; or is it a gift from the heart - like
God�s gift to us - the gift of having Jesus enter into our lives
and being born in us today. The Rev Brian Anderson compered the concert and thanked all
those who took part. In his closing remarks he reminded everyone
that, �Jesus is the reason for the season� and Garvey Silver
Band appropriately rounded off the evening by playing �We wish
you a merry Christmas� as everyone left the auditorium. Proceeds from the concert (after expenses are paid) will be
divided between the �The Simon Community� and �Thompson House.�