Sandra Murray, Joy Frazer, Selena Glover and Mary
Glover - Sunday School Superintendent, pictured at
the Children�s Gift Day Service at Aghalee Parish on
Sunday 18th June.
Holy Trinity Parish, Aghalee held their
annual Children�s Gift Day Service on Sunday 18th
June. The Rector, the Rev Simon Doogan led the service; Isobel
Haslem on organ led the praise, the congregational hymns were -
Father we love You, Go forth and tell and In Christ there is no
East or West. The children, accompanied by Roberta Culbert on
piano sang - Mr Cow and Rise and Shine; Thomas Orr, Gavin
Murray, Laura Wallace and Sandra Murray (Sunday School Teacher)
offered prayers; and Mary Glover, the Sunday School
Superintendent, read the Scripture Lesson. The children
presented gifts for the Royal Victoria Hospital for Sick
Children and the guest speaker was the Rev Canon Cecil Wilson,
General Secretary CMS Ireland.