Pictured at a Confirmation Service in
Lisburn Cathedral last Sunday afternoon (4th May) is
L to R: (front row) Graham McMillan, Liz Hansford, Rev Canon Sam
Wright - Rector, Rt Rev Alan Harper - Bishop of Connor, Rev
Kenneth McGrath - Vicar, Keith Neill - Youth & Outreach Worker,
Verna Moore and Peter Hendry. (back row) Peter Hilland, John
Hansford, Laura Johnston, Rebecca Forsythe, Lena Welsh, Amy
Welsh, Eileen Tracey, Becky Whittaker, Emma Curran, Sophie Kirk and Peter Kelly.
A Confirmation Service was held in Lisburn Cathedral last Sunday
afternoon, Whit Sunday, otherwise known as the day of Pentecost.
The anniversary of Whit Sunday will always hold a special
significance for the 15 people who were confirmed on the
occasion when the church recalls the empowering of the spirit on
the early believers.
The Rector, the Rev Canon Sam Wright led the service; Sophie
Kirk read The Epistle from Acts 2: 1-21 and John Hansford read
the Gospel from John 15: 26-27; 16: 4B-15. During the service
Becky Whittaker gave her testimony and led prayers along with
Rebecca Forsthye and Laura Johnston. The Cathedral music group
lead the praise and the songs for the service were chosen by
those being confirmed, they included �Open the eyes of my
heart�, �Blessed be your name�, �Light of the World� and �In
Christ Alone�.
In his sermon, the Bishop of Connor, the Rt. Rev Alan Harper
spoke on the importance of Pentecost to the early Church, on how
the frightened disciples were transformed by the coming of the
spirit and how we are all called by God not to be spectators but
instead to be on the field of play as active team members.
The Rector - Sam Wright, the Vicar - Ken McGrath and the Youth
Outreach Worker - Keith Neill presented the 15 people being
confirmed. The Bishop then laid hands on them praying for the
Holy Spirit to anoint and empower them for service.
Everyone had an opportunity to meet with the Bishop after the
service when refreshments were served in the Hall.