Well known Congo missionary is guest speaker at CWU harvest
Pictured at the Harvest
Thanksgiving Service in Lisburn Christian Worker�s Union
Hall on Sunday 8th October 2006 are L to R: (front)
Pianist - Joanne Watterson and her daughter Louise,
Joseph Lockhart, Bob McAllister, Robert Watson, Geoff
Sloss and Gillian Sloss. (back row) Gordon Dawson, Mavis
Ross, Michael McNeilly, Mary Moore, Robert Moore,
Margaret Sharkey, Jean Kennedy and Billy McCleary.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in
the Lisburn Christian Worker�s Union on Saturday 7th and Sunday
8th October. The speaker on Saturday evening was Pastor Trevor
Brock from Great Victoria Street Baptist and the singers were
the Donaghmore Quintet. On Sunday evening the speaker was Bob
McAllister, a retired missionary from Armagh and the singer was
Geoff Sloss from Ravarnet. Joanne Watterson presided at the
Mr McAllister, a well-known retired WEC
missionary, served many years with his wife Alma in the Congo.
They survived the uprising, which took place there in the 1960s
when many missionaries were brutally murdered. Drawing on his
experiences from those years, he spoke on the text from John 12
v 24, �Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it
abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit�.
Those who had paid with their live for the
cause of Christ in the Congo left behind a wonderful testimony
of their faith, which has borne fruit even to the present day.
He mentioned in particular Ruby Gray from Dromara who was
speared and thrown to the crocodiles. Today a church is being
built to commemorate the sacrifice she and others made for their
Mr McAllister emphasised that it is only
when we die to self and allow God to take control of our lives
that we become useful vessels in His service.
The full story of Bob and Alma McAllister�s
ministry is published in their book �In the Line of Fire� which
is still available in Christian bookshops.