Children�s Day Service at Dundrod Presbyterian Church

minister, the Rev Angus Stewart and Sunday School
teachers pictured at the Children�s Day Service at
Dundrod Presbyterian Church on Sunday 18th
June. L to R: Sarah Farling, Laura McCartney, Olive
Bell, Gillian McKinstry, Don McCartney, Muriel
McCartney, Roy McDowell - Superintendent, Wilfie
Johnston, Nora McClenaghan, Patricia Calvert and the
Rev Angus Stewart.
Presbyterian Church held their annual Children�s Day Service on
Sunday 18th June. The minister, the Rev Angus
Stewart welcomed the congregation and visitors and gave the call
to worship. The children�s choir, accompanied by Olive Bell on
piano, sang - Talk to Jesus, How I look to Jesus, God�s Building
a House, I�m Gonna Click, We Love the Lord, I�ll Wave my Hands
and God the Father made all things. Sarah McDowell, Nora
McClenaghan and Matthew McKinstry offered prayers; Hannah
Johnston, Adam Kennedy, Nicole Bell, Sarah Carson and Neil
Johnston read the Scripture lessons; and Victoria Bell, Thomas
McDowell, Craig McComb and Megan Irvine took up the offering.
A member of the
congregation, David Dunlop, an Irish League Referee, chose a
World Cup theme for his talk. He spoke about the importance of
all the World Cup Football Teams playing by the rules and also
the importance for us to play to God�s rules � the Ten
Commandments; and how God sent Jesus to teach us how to live our
lives properly and to live life to the full.