The Rev. Canon Sam Wright and the Rev.
Kenneth McGrath led the Holy Communion Services in Lisburn
Cathedral on Easter Sunday morning and Andrew Skelly - Organist
and Choirmaster and the Cathedral Choir led the praise, which
included the lovely Easter hymns, �Jesus Christ is Risen Today�
and �The Day of Resurrection�.
In his
Easter address entitled �Risen Indeed�, the Rector, Sam Wright,
spoke about God�s power over life and death and the difference
between the resurrection of Lazarus who had been dead for four
days and that of Jesus who had been dead for three days. He
explained that Lazarus appeared wearing his grave clothes but
that Jesus�s grave clothes were neatly folded and that unlike
Lazarus, Jesus would never need his grave clothes again, he had
died the �ONCE FOR ALL� sacrifice for our sins, the �blood
bought� gift from God.
The music group led the praise at the
11.00am all age service and taking a slight variation on theme,
Sam Wright compared the character of Aslan from the C. S. Lewis
book and recent movie, �The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe�,
with the risen Jesus of Easter Day. In conclusion he wished the
congregation a Very Happy Easter and prayed that they would know
the Power of the Risen Christ in their hearts and in their lives
at this Easter time.

Andrew Skelly - Organist and
Choirmaster pictured with members of the choir that
led the praise at Lisburn Cathedral on Easter Sunday
morning. L to R: (front) Andree Christie, the Rev.
Kenneth McGrath - Vicar, Andrew Skelly - Organist
and Choirmaster, the Rev. Canon Sam Wright - Rector
and Jean Hilland. (back row) Kay McKnight, Margaret
Breadon, Tony Hall, David Kidd, Joan Murphy and
Helen Getgood.