Candidates from Lisburn Elim and Kingdom Life
Faith Centre who were baptised at a united water
baptismal service in Lisburn Elim on Sunday 8th
October. Included in the picture are Kyle
Moore, Pastor Norman Christie and Mrs Doreen
Christie - Lisburn Elim (left) and Mrs Mary Agnew,
Pastor Brian Agnew and Colin McMinn - Kingdom Life
The Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the
Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn pictured at the united
water baptismal service in Lisburn Elim on Sunday
8th October. Included in the picture is L to
R: (back row) Pastor Norman Christie, Mrs Doreen
Christie, Mrs Mary Agnew and Pastor Brian Agnew.
The congregations of Lisburn Elim and Kingdom Life Faith
Centre held a united water baptismal service in Lisburn Elim on
Sunday evening 8th October. Pastor Norman Christie
led the service and welcomed the large congregation and in
particular the guests of honour, the Mayor - Councillor Trevor
Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn. He said, �while we
frequently pray for those who have high office in our city, it
is indeed a privilege and honour to receive you here this
evening. We thank the Mayor for his broadmindedness and
excellent initiative in visiting various churches in the area�.
The Mayor responded by thanking Pastor Christie for his
invitation to Lisburn Elim and brought the greeting from Lisburn
City Council, wishing God�s blessing on all their work.
Kyle Moore - Lisburn Elim and John Kempton - Kingdom Life led
the praise and worship. The hymns included How Great Thou Art
and To God be the Glory. Nathan Jess sang three solos entitled
- Does anyone hear her, Above all and Jesus loves me. In his
address entitled �Knowing Christ�, Pastor Christie based his
thoughts on John 1 v 26-34 and spoke about the importance of a
personal encounter with Christ. His text was verse 26 - �but
there standeth one among you, whom ye know not�. Addressing the
key question - �Do you really know Christ as your Saviour?� he
explained that knowing about Christ will not save you; knowing
the Gospel will not save you; but knowing Christ as your
personal Lord and Saviour WILL save you.
Rachel Kirk presents a bouquet of flowers to the
Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn at the united water
baptismal service in Lisburn Elim on Sunday 8th
Tommy and Janette Vance (seated) pictured with
their 14-year-old triplets - Rebecca, Thomas and
Rachel, who were baptised at the united water
baptismal service in Lisburn Elim on Sunday 8th
October. It was a double celebration for Tommy
as it was his 57th birthday.
Candidates from Lisburn Elim shared their testimony in an
interview conducted by Kyle Moore; and following a short talk by
Pastor Brian Agnew, candidates from Kingdom Life Faith Centre,
Lisburn, shared their testimony in an interview conducted by
Colin McMinn. Prior to the act of baptism, the Mayoress - Mrs
Laureen Lunn presented certificates to members of both
congregations who were to be baptised, after which Rachel Kirk
presented a bouquet of flowers to the Mayoress.
Pastor Norman Christie assisted by Paul Smyth and Pastor
Brian Agnew assisted by Colin McMinn conducted the acts of
baptism. Those baptised were Thomas, Rebecca and Rachel Vance,
Sasha Burns, Gareth Beggs, Joyce Clements Myrtle Montgomery,
Stephanie McMaster, Julie Robb, Evelyn Cowan, Matthew Duke and
Mairead Keery.
A buffet supper was served in the church hall after the
baptismal service.