Lady Sylvia Hermon opens Festival of Flowers
Lady Sylvia Hermon opens Festival of
Flowers celebrating the 150th anniversary of the
Church of the Ascension, Annahilt.
Lady Sylvia Hermon, MP officially opened
a Festival of Flowers at the Church of the Ascension, Annahilt
on Friday afternoon 19th May during an Opening
Service in the church attended by children and teachers from
Annahilt Primary School. The Rector, the Revd Canon Robert
Howard extended a warm welcome to Lady Hermon and guests and
looked back on the early Christian roots in the Glebe town land
where a church has stood on the site of the present building
since the time of Saint Moliba in the eighth century. He spoke
about the importance of celebrating the 150th
anniversary of Opening and Consecration of the present Church
building and looked forward in hope to what the Church of the
Ascension will stand for in the 21st century and 3rd
Christian millennium.
The Bishop of Down & Dromore, the Rt.
Revd Harold Miller was the special guest at the Parish Communion
Service on Sunday morning; and at the Closing Service on Sunday
evening, the preacher was Patrick Harris, a Diocesan Reader
whose late father, the Revd Canon W E Harris was Rector of
Annahilt from 1959 to 1964.
Members of the Mothers� Union Branch and
other parishioners provided Morning Coffee, Lunches, Afternoon
Tea and High Tea throughout the weekend. The proceeds of the
Festival are being divided equally between Annahilt Parish
Development Fund and Action Cancer
Pictured at the Official
Opening of a Festival of Flowers at the Church
of the Ascension, Annahilt on Friday 19th
May is L to R: Margaret Cassells, Fiona Harvey-
Artistic Director, Lady Sylvia Hermon, MP.,
Sally McCurry and the Revd Canon Robert Howard.

Pictured on Sunday 21st
May at a Festival of Flowers service celebrating
the 150th anniversary of the Opening
and Consecration of the Church of the Ascension,
Annahilt is L to R: Ian Dunn - Rector�s Warden,
Derek Capper - Diocesan Reader, the Rt. Revd
Harold Miller - Bishop of Down & Dromore, the
Revd Canon Robert Howard - Rector and Miss
Patricia Halliday - People�s Warden.

Mothers� Union members and
other parishioners who provided Morning Coffee,
Lunches and Teas throughout the weekend of the
Festival of Flowers at the Church of the
Ascension, Annahilt. L to R: (seated) Beth
Harrison and Ruth Carlisle. (back row) Sarah
McCambley, Madeline McMullan, Meryl Stokes,
Laura Elwood and Betty Dickson.

Fiona Harvey, Artistic
Director presents a gift of flowers to Lady
Sylvia Hermon, MP, at the Official Opening of
the Festival of Flowers at the Church of the
Ascension, Annahilt on Friday 19th