First Dromara Girls� Brigade Display
First Dromara Girls� Brigade held their
47th Annual Prize Distribution and Display on Friday
7th and Saturday 8th April 2006 when 140
girls and officers under the Captaincy of Gillian Spiers took to
the floor at First Dromara Presbyterian Church Hall and gave two
most enjoyable evenings for the many parents and friends that
Thompson was the Guest of Honour on Friday evening when awards
were presented to the Tinies and Explorers sections of the
Company. On Saturday evening the Guest of Honour was Gillian
Millar who presented the awards to the Junior, Senior and
Brigader Sections. Gillian, a former officer in the Company
(now living in Kilkeel) was accompanied by her husband the Rev.
Gary Millar, former Rector of the grouped Parishes of Dromara
and Garvaghy. The Rev. Shaw Thompson, Company Chaplain, chaired
the proceedings on both nights and the pianists were Wilma Copes
and Ruth Ravey.
The Tinies were dressed up in pretty
dresses for their own version of the �Dromara Roses�. They also
displayed their physical fitness in the �The Games�. The
Explorer girls completed figure marching, dressed as Robin Hood
and performed a sketch about the story of Moses entitled �I�m
and Israelite � get me out of here�. Lastly they performed
their Choral Speaking poem �The Little Turtle�, with which they
competed in the District Competition and made it through to
Inter-district level. The Juniors treated the audience to a
�Pom Pom Parade� with dancing and singing of a number of Disney
songs. They also acted out a Sketch called �Here we Grow�,
which told the story of the Parable of the Sower. The Juniors
also said their Choral Speaking Poem, �Homework� with which they
also made it through to the Inter-district competitions. The
Senior and Brigader sections, treated the audience to dancing to
Grease, they also sang �We Go together�. They performed a
comedy sketch of �The Three Paddies�, acting out some of the
popular Paddy the Irishman Jokes. The Evening finished with the
Finale, The Pursuit of Happiness, which looked at how we all
seek happiness in things of the world and explained how real
happiness could be found in Jesus. The Company Choir sang �
Happiness, Acres of Diamonds and In Christ Alone.
The following girls received cups and trophies:-
Tinies � |
Plaque for Activities,
Eve Crowder; Sibbit Cup for Best Tiny Tot, Ellen
Explorers � |
W W Skelly Cup
for the highest points, Jill Copes; Elizabeth
Harkness Memorial Cup for Choral Speaking, Laura
Stewart; Margaret S Skelly Memorial Cup for P. E.,
Hayley Martin and Jill Copes; Mrs M E Scott Endeavor
Cup, Claire Hanna and Victoria Reain.
Juniors � |
Sidney McAvoy Memorial
Cup for the highest points, Sarah and Charlotte
Martin; Isaac Graham Memorial Cup for God�s Family,
Chloe Graham; Mrs R Graham Scripture Cup, Megan
McVeigh and Megan Peters; Mrs Bailey Physical
Progress Cup, Jemma Smyth; Coulter Millennium Scroll
for Choral Speaking, Chloe Graham.
Senior and Brigader �
Dewberry cup for
highest points, Sophie McCalla and Melissa Scott;
The Patsy Graham cup for P. E., Jayne Simpson; The
Mrs R Hart cup for Senior Scripture, Stephanie
Martin; The Redpath Cup for Brigader Scripture,
Aninka Moucka.
Company Awards - |
Family Cup for GB week
collection, Ruth and Sophie McCalla; McAvoy memorial
Cup for individual GB week collection, Chloe McFaul.

Pictured at
First Dromara Girls� Brigade Display last Saturday
night (8th April) are L to R: (seated)
Gillian Spiers - Captain, Ina Hart - President and
Gillian Millar - Guest of Honour. (back row) The
Rev. Shaw Thompson - Chairman and the Rev. Gary
Millar, former Rector of the grouped Parishes of
Dromara and Garvaghy.