Gospel mission and harvest services at First Dromore Presbyterian Church
Dromore Presbyterian Church Choir pictured
at the morning Harvest Thanksgiving Service
on Sunday 29th October.
The theme for a mission in
First Dromore Presbyterian Church last week was �Friends He
United� during which God was glorified; the truths of the Gospel
explained and the people of First Dromore encouraged to follow
Christ. Conducted by the minister, the Rev Keith Duddy, the
mission commenced on Sunday evening 22nd October and concluded
with Harvest Thanksgiving Services on Sunday 29th October.
At the morning service, Mr Duddy welcomed
the large congregation, the many visitors and in particular his
visiting preacher, the Rev Frank Gibson, minister of Kingsmills
and Jerretspass congregations. Thanks was extended to the
organist, Gretta Baxter for giving so much time and skill to the
music and to Liz Humphreys for accompanying the singing each
night. Thanks was also given to all those who made a special
contribution to individual meetings including Freda Trimble,
Lisa Cochrane, Michael Pyper, Trevor Martin, the choir, the
praise group and those who helped in a practical way by
operating the public address system, recording services, opening
the building each evening and providing security.
Gretta Baxter on organ and the church choir
led the praise. The anthems were, �Why did they nail him to
Calvary�s tree� which included a solo part by Arlene Poots and
�The blood will never lose it�s power�. The hymns were: �Great
is Thy faithfulness�, �God who made the earth�, �Here I am� and
�When I survey the wondrous cross�.
In his address, Mr Gibson chose as his text
Jeremiah 8 v 20: �The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and
we are not saved.� Explaining that there is a �PROMISED time for
harvest�, a �PROPER time for harvest� an �EXPECTED time for
harvest� and a �PASSING time for harvest�, he emphasised the
need for a harvest in our churches through prayer and the
preaching of God�s word.
The Rev Keith Duddy conducted the Harvest
Service on Sunday evening; the topic was �A friend forever� -
what happens when you die