District Girls� Brigade Service in First Lisburn
About 400 girls and officers attended the
Lagan District Annual Girls� Brigade Service in First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church last Sunday afternoon. The 14 Girl
Brigade Company�s represented were: Drumbo, Dunmurry,
Elmwood, First Lisburn, Kilmakee, Legacurry, Magheragall and
Sloan Street Presbyterian; Seymour Street, Seymour Hill and
Trinity Methodist; St. Paul�s and Lambeg Parish; and Lisburn
The special guests were The Right
Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor Jonathan Craig and the
Mayoress - Mrs Yvonne Craig and their children Nathan and
Joanna. The Rev. John Brackenridge led the service; the
Rev. Andrew Thompson - Elmwood gave the prayers; Nicola Anderson,
Harriet Davis and Sophie Brackenridge gave the
Scripture reading; Anita Adrain - Scripture Union gave the
address; and Lyndsay Parr - Piano and vocalists - Karen Orr (Drumbo
GB) and Heather Vient (First Lisburn GB) led the praise
accompanied by the First Lisburn praise band. The offering was
taken for Childline, this year�s chosen Girls�
Brigade charity.
First Lisburn Girls� Brigade at the Lagan
District Annual Girls� Brigade Service in First
Lisburn Presbyterian Church last Sunday afternoon.
Included are officers and leaders L to R:
Maureen Kilner - Captain, Karen McClurg, Nicola
Anderson, Nadine Anderson, Suzanne Scott, Sheila
Hammonds and Melanie Minshuell.
Pictured at the Lagan District Annual Girls�
Brigade Service in First Lisburn Presbyterian Church
last Sunday afternoon is L to R: (front) Karen
McClurg, Latifa McCullagh - Assistant District
Commissioner, Rev. Andrew Thompson - Elmwood, The
Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor Jonathan
Craig and the Mayoress - Mrs Yvonne Craig and their
children Nathan and Joanna, Rev. John Brackenbridge
- First Lisburn, Anne Russell - District
Commissioner and Tracey Allen. (back row)
Kathryn Millen, Rachel Robinson, Maureen Kilner -
Captain (First Lisburn), Dynika Kidd and Nadine