BRIGHT winter sunshine welcomed a large
congregation at Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church when the
dedication of the new entrance and vestibule area took place on
Sunday March 5.
The Very Reverend Dr Alastair Dunlop unveiled
a plaque and dedicated the entrance hall to the glory and honour
of God.
The Kirkwood family in memory of their mother
Mrs Madge Kirkwood, who was first lady elder ordained in Harmony
Hill, made presentations of windows, as did members of the
Afternoon Tea Dance Group.
Rev David Knox welcomed Rev Dunlop and all
visitors to this special service. He expressed his thanks and
gratitude to all who contributed to the refurbishment of the

At the dedication of a new entrance at Harmony Hill Presbyterian
are, from left, former Moderator the Very Rev Alastair Dunlop,
the senior minister of Harmony Hill, the Rev Harold Gray and the
minister of Harmony Hill, the Rev David Knox. US11-755SP
Ulster Star