The Railway Street Presbyterian Church
�Helping hands� group meet each month to enjoy fellowship and
great craic and to knit and crochet for several good causes.
The ladies are pictured displaying their first consignment of
woollen jumpers, cardigans, blankets and teddies for Foreign
Missions in Malawi, hats for Missions to Seamen and small
bonnets for the Premature Baby Unit in the Royal Victoria
Hospital and Craigavon Hospital. L to R: (front row) Phyllis
Spence, Jean Whithorn, Betty Bowman, May Griffin, May Gibson and Margaret
Power. (back row) Norma Coggins, Heather Barron, Jacqueline
Hutchinson, Edith McConnell, Anna Toombs, Iris Levitt, Joy
Crothers, Marjorie Jamieson and Rosemary Henderson.