Pictured at a service on Sunday 17th
September to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of
Hillsborough Free Presbyterian Church is L to R: (seated)
The Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn, the Mayor - Councillor
Trevor Lunn, the Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley MP, Baroness Eileen
Paisley and Mrs Ina Barnes. (standing) The Rev William
Beattie, Mrs Sally Beattie, the Rev Dr John Douglas,
Alderman Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA and the Rev Dr Stanley
A special service was held on Sunday morning 17th September
2006 to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Hillsborough Free
Presbyterian Church. The minister, the Rev Dr Stanley Barnes
chaired the service and welcomed the congregation and special
guests - The Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley MP, Baroness Eileen Paisley,
Alderman Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA, the Mayor - Councillor Trevor
Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn.
The Rev Dr John Douglas - Clerk of Presbytery, led the
opening prayer. The Rev William Beattie, who was appointed to
oversee the newly formed congregation in 1966 also took part in
the service and brought his congratulations and best wishes for
the future. In his welcome and announcements, David Williamson
MBE - Clerk of Session joined Mr Barnes in welcoming the
congregation and the distinguished guests. Among many presents
exchanged, David Williamson presented Dr Paisley with a framed
painting by local artist George Bannerman, depicting the 21-gun
salute at Government House to mark the Queen�s Birthday; and Mrs
Ina Barnes presented a bouquet of flowers to Baroness Paisley.

The minister, the Rev Dr Stanley Barnes
(third from left) pictured with special guests and church
elders at a service on Sunday 17th September to commemorate
the 40th Anniversary of Hillsborough Free Presbyterian
Organist Marjorie Boreland MBE and the Ladies Fellowship
Choir led the praise. The hymns were - To God be the Glory, I�m
not ashamed to own my Lord, and Revive Thy work, O Lord. The
choir, led by Patricia Hamilton and accompanied on piano by
Elizabeth Cordner, brought two messages in song - �Lord, for the
years� and �We are so blessed�.
Bringing the best wishes of Lisburn City Council, the Mayor -
Councillor Trevor Lunn congratulated Mr Barnes and the
congregation on reaching this important milestone in the history
of the church and also congratulated the choir on their
beautiful items of praise.
Dr Paisley recalled how from humble beginnings in an old band
hut in 1966 the congregation now have this beautiful church. In
a challenging and inspiring address he spoke about the
Birthplace, the Birth Right and the Birth Star of the Church.
He explained that at the end of Revelations, Jesus claims one
title - �The Bright and Morning Star� and said that the Star of
this church is the Bright and Morning Star - the Lord Jesus
Christ and hoped that the church would reap the morning of
revival. He also emphasised the importance of the Blood Mark -
the assurance of life everlasting. Dr Paisley concluded by
congratulating the congregation in reaching the 40th
Anniversary and wished them continued happy times in the next 40
40th Anniversary Gospel Mission
The service on Sunday evening, conducted by the Rev Gary Goodes,
was the start of a 40th Anniversary Gospel Mission. The Rev Dr
William McCrea MP will conduct the service next Sunday afternoon
(24th September) at 3.30pm. Harvest Services on Sunday 1st
October, will be conducted by the Rev Ron Johnstone at 11.30am
and the Rev Gary Goodes at 7.00pm; and a Harvest Thanksgiving
Supper conducted by the Rev Gary Goodes on Monday 2nd October at
8.00pm will bring the harvest celebrations and the 40th
Anniversary Gospel Mission to a conclusion.