Pictured at the
Harvest Thanksgiving service in Hillsborough Parish
Church last Sunday morning are L to R: (front row) The
Very Rev John Dinnen - Dean of Down, the Mayor -
Councillor Trevor Lunn, the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn
and the Rev Simon Richardson - Curate. (back row)
Cathryn Law - People�s Warden, Phillip Elliott -
Organist, Johnny Beare - Youth Minister and Iain Gillespie
- Rector�s Warden.
The Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the
Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn were the special guests at the
Harvest Thanksgiving service in Hillsborough Parish Church last
Sunday morning. The Rector, the Very Rev John Dinnen - Dean of
Down, led the service assisted by the new curate, the Rev Simon
Richardson. The historic old church was beautifully decorated
for the occasion by members of the church family.
The Very Rev John Dinnen welcomed the large
congregation and visitors and gave a special welcome to the
Mayor and the Mayoress. Preaching at his first Harvest
Thanksgiving service in Hillsborough Parish Church, the Rev
Simon Richardson based his address on the Parable of the Sower.
Using visual aids he shared with the children (and the adults)
what Jesus was saying about the hindrances to believing in God�s
love. He explained that just as the Farmer has to do various
things to make the soil good for the seed to grow in, so too
must we do various things to help God�s Word take root in our
Phillip Elliott - Organist and the church
choir led the praise, the hymns were - O Lord my God, when I in
awesome wonder; Come, ye thankful people, come; Holy is the
seed-time; and We plough the fields, and scatter. The Anthem
was �The Fruits of the Land�. The Scripture lessons from Joel
2: 21-27 and Matthew 13: 1-9 were read by Mrs Mandy Houston.
Bringing the greetings of Lisburn City
Council, the Mayor thanked the Rector for his invitation. He
congratulated the organist and robed choir for leading the
praise and wished God�s blessing on all the work done in
Hillsborough Parish Church.
The Rector, the Very Rev John Dinnen,
concluded by thanking all who decorated the church so
beautifully and thanked the organist, choir, wardens and
everyone involved in the service.

Elliott - Organist (left) and Hillsborough
Parish Choir pictured at the Harvest
Thanksgiving service in Hillsborough Parish
Church last Sunday morning.