Rev Dr Stanley
Barnes (second from left), minister of Hillsborough
Free Presbyterian pictured last Sunday evening with
Knocknadona Hall leaders - John Thompson (left), Mrs
Maud Belshaw, Jim Gordon and Fred Gordon.
Patricia Hamilton,
Elizabeth Cordner and members of Hillsborough Ladies
Fellowship Choir pictured at Knocknadona Hall last
Sunday evening.
The Rev Dr Stanley
Barnes, minister of Hillsborough Free Presbyterian and
Hillsborough Ladies Fellowship Choir were the special guests at
Knocknadona Hall last Sunday evening.
Fred Gordon led this the
first service after the summer break. In his address based on
Luke 15 - The Lost Sheep, Dr Barnes pointed out that the sheep
was - Lost, The sheep was - Loved, and the sheep was - Lifted.
Explaining how the lost sheep was saved, lifted and laid on the
shepherd�s shoulders for safekeeping, he concluded that the
Shepherd that does the saving also does the keeping.
The Hillsborough Ladies
Fellowship Choir, led by Patricia Hamilton and accompanied on
piano by Elizabeth Cordner sang, �When I Saw the Cleansing
Fountain�; �The Chimes of Time�; and �It May be the Last Time�.