Nicholas Dark (second from left - front row),
Bronwen Dark (left - second row) and Jacqui Adams
(right - front row) pictured with the team of
helpers from the parish that led the Holiday Bible
Club at Magheragall Parish Church on Monday 14th
to Friday 18th August
A Holiday Bible Club called - �Pyramid
Rock� was held at Magheragall Parish Church on Monday 14th
to Friday 18th August from 6 pm to 8 pm for children
of primary years age. The theme �Pyramid Rock� based on the
story of Joseph, was aimed at introducing the children to a
loving God through the stories and experiences of Joseph and to
encourage them to put their faith in a faithful God as Joseph
did. They also heard how Joseph�s experiences of God are also
the experiences of Pyramid Leaders because of their faith in
Jesus Christ. The fast-moving, fun and action-packed holiday
club programme was organised by
Jacqui Adams and Bronwen Dark and a team of helpers from
the parish.