Holy week services at the City Centre Churches
Christ Church
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
8.00am: Psalm 22, 41 and 69.
Monday at 7.30pm: Evening Prayer 1
- Justified by the Blood
Tuesday at 7.30pm: Evening Prayer 2
- Sanctified by the Blood
Wednesday at 7.30pm: All age
worship with Parish Youth Organisations
Thursday at 7.30pm: Holy
Communion. The Last Supper - Cleansed by the Blood
Good Friday at 7.30pm: The Message
of the Cross in readings and hymns.
Easter Sunday at 6.30am: Dawn
Service at Hillsborough Forest Park.
First Lisburn
Monday - Wednesday at 7.00pm: Holy
Week Services in the Upper Room.
Thursday at 7.00pm: Communion in
the Church.
Good Friday at 7.00pm: Service of
Contemplation in the Church.
Railway Street
Monday to Thursday at 8.00pm: Holy
week Meditations (based on Matthew�s Gospel) in the
Lecture Hall.
Good Friday at 8.00pm: Communion
Service in the Church.
Easter Sunday at 7.00am: Dawn
Service at Hillsborough Lake.
Lisburn Cathedral
St Patrick�s
Monday at 7.00pm: Penitential
Service � Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Holy Thursday at 7.30pm: Evening
Mass of the Lord�s Supper.
Good Friday at 3.00pm:Solemn
Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our Lord.
Good Friday at 7.30pm: Evening
Prayer of the Church.
Easter Vigil (Saturday) at 9.00pm:
Mass, including Blessing of the Pascal Fire and Pascal
Easter Sunday: Mass at 8.00am,
10.00am and 12noon.
Seymour Street Methodist
Tuesday Sunday 16th - 10.00am to 10.00pm (in the
church halls) Seymour Street Methodist Church
invites you on a Journey to the Cross. Through image,
song, reading meditation and a place to be quiet, they
hope that many will take time to walk in the footsteps
of Jesus on the Journey that changed the world.
Thursday and Friday Nights at 8.p.m: Services in the church.
Easter Sunday: Dawn Service at Hillsborough Lake at 7.00am.