Induction services for new parish priests
An Induction Service for the new Lisburn parish priest, the Very
Rev Dermot McCaughan, will be held in St Patrick�s Church,
Lisburn on Friday 3rd November at 7.30pm. Fr McCaughan, who
succeeded Father Hugh Kennedy in August 2006, has pastoral
oversight of the following four local Catholic churches: St
Patrick�s Church - Lisburn, St Joseph�s Church - Magheragall,
Blessed Virgin Mary and St Brigid�s Church � Magheramesk and St
Colman�s Church - Reilly�s Trench.
Previously parish priest of St Joseph�s - Hannaghstown and St
Peter�s - Stoneyford, the Very Rev Dermot McCaughan was
succeeded by the Very Rev David Delargy, who commenced his
ministry at Hannaghstown in August 2006. The Induction Service
for Fr Delargy was held during the Parish Mass in St Joseph�s
Church, Hannaghstown, on Saturday 23rd September 2006. Fr
Delargy is assisted at St Peter�s Church, Stoneyford, by the Rt.
Rev Monsignor John Murphy, who following his retirement in July
2004 was appointed Priest in Residence in August 2004.