A joint Confirmation Service was held
in Ballinderry Parish Church on Sunday 26th November
for twenty-two people from the Parishes of Ballinderry and
Magheragall. The seven members of Ballinderry Parish confirmed
were: Aisling Napier, Chelsea Gamble, Alan Kennedy, Gareth
McKee, Aaron Killough, Hannah Boyd and Patrick Ruddell; and the
fifteen members of Magheragall Parish confirmed were:
David Corbett, Daniel Edmonds, Jonathan Grattan, Vaughan Hendron,
Michael Keery, Gareth Mackey, Gareth Nelson, Conor Walker,
Sarah-Jane Dowds, Kerri Ferris, Lois Greenfield, Laura Roberts,
Ruth Seaton, Clare Smyth and Louise Turkington.
The Rev Canon Ernest Harris, Rector of Ballinderry Parish, led
the service and read the Old Testament reading. The Rev
Nicholas Dark, Rector of Magheragall Parish, read the New
Testament reading. Canon Harris and Mr Dark presented the
twenty-two people being confirmed and the Bishop laid hands on
them praying that God�s Spirit will confirm, strengthen and
guide them as they strive, each day of their lives, to live up
to the solemn commitment they made. In his
address based on John 18 v 33-37, the Bishop spoke on how Jesus
came into the world to testify to the truth. Emphasising the
importance of belonging to the truth, he pointed out that Christ
was condemned because he told the truth and explained that we
can identify truth by listening to Christ�s voice and learning
from what is genuine and real.
Robert Yarr on organ and the Ballinderry
Parish church choir led the praise. The hymns were, �Jesus is
Lord� �Spirit of God�, I want to walk with Jesus Christ� and �O
Jesus, I have promised�.
Everyone had an opportunity to meet with the Bishop after the
service when refreshments were served in the Church Hall.