CHRISTIAN composer Keith Getty, who is originally from
Lisburn, and his wife Kristyn, who is a talented
singer/songwriter, will begin a two-year tour of America this
Saturday. The couple left Northern Ireland on Wednesday to be
guests at the US Presidential Media Dinner and Prayer Dedication
Breakfast in Washington DC before embarking on their tour.
Keith said: "During the next two years we will be performing
at over 200 events including concert tours and live events for
radio as well as appearing in churches and universities.
"Kristyn and myself are really looking forward to travelling
throughout America - we have a brilliant and varied experience
ahead of us. I will miss the Ulster fry though!
"In the next few months we will be recording in Nashville,
visiting Los Angeles, San Diego, Milwaukee and Cleveland. We
will also be going on a Mexican Biviera cruise courtesy of a
radio station, which has invited Kristyn as a guest. There is
lots to look forward to."
Kristyn added: "We are both looking forward to spending time in
America and sharing our work with others:
Our songs express the Christian faith in the fullest way we
can. We tell stories with our songs - the big picture of what
Christians believe.
"The songs are influenced by traditional, classical, folk and
pop music." Keith a former pupil of Pond Park Primary and
Friends' School Lisburn began composing his modern hymns five
years ago while still pursuing his career in the music industry.
During his twenties he received hundreds of commissions as a
composer and producer, working in recording, concerts, theatre,
television and film music.
Artists he has worked with include Sir James Galway and Sir
Cliff Richard. He also founded the New Irish Arts with whom he
conducted many sell-out concerts.
Such has become the popularity of Keith's hymns throughout
the world that he is now exclusively committed to writing,
performing and developing his works.
Keith's song 'In Christ Alone', was recently voted ninth most
popular hymn of all time in BBC's Songs of Praise Poll.
Kristyn's singing talents have led to her performing gospel
music as well as diversifying into the worlds of jazz and Celtic
Having already toured America, she has also performed in
England, Scotland, Germany, France, Switzerland and Kenya and
has appeared regularly on television. Kristyn has also
co-written over 70 songs with Keith.
The Getty's, who married in 2004, spent last year living in
the Swiss Alps and during the autumn performed a 40 date
coast-to-coast tour of the US, where they spoke and performed at
Harvard University before travelling across 15 states.
For their last appearance in Ulster before the tour, the
couple appeared last Sunday alongside Clannad's Moya Brennan in
a sell out event at Belfast's Waterfront Hall.