Legacurry Boys� Brigade Display
1st Legacurry Boys� Brigade Company Annual Inspection
and Display was held in Legacurry Presbyterian Church last
Friday night. The Chairman was the Rev. Bobby Liddle and the
Inspecting Officer was Ian McCullagh.
The programme included: Games, David and
Goliath - Anchor Boys; Figure Marching, Jerico and Team Games -
Junior Section; Drill, Ropeworks, Sherlock Holmes, Vaulting and
Pyramids - Company Section. Under the Captaincy of Robert
McCullough, there are 75 boys in total in 1st
Legacurry Company Boys� Brigade and as you can see from the
pictures, the boys were immaculately turned out for this their
Annual Inspection and Display. Robert reported on the wide
range of activities that the boys enjoy during the year and also
that Tommy Crawford, Iain Massey and Gareth Martin all passed
their expedition leadership exams and lead teams in Duke of
Edinburgh Award expeditions and other activities during the
The Anchor Boys pictured with the Rev. Bobby
Liddle and Leader - Gillian Hunter (seated) at
Legacurry Boys� Brigade Display last Friday night.
Also included are Lo R: (standing) leaders - Matthew
Crawford, Adam Thompson, Jackie Long, Stephen
Abraham, Robert McCullagh - Captain and Alyson
The Junior Section pictured at Legacurry Boys�
Brigade Display last Friday night. Included in
the picture is leaders L to R: (back row) Graeme
Scott, Paula Kerr, Gareth Martin, Iain Massey and
the Rev. Bobby Liddle.
The Company Section pictured at Legacurry Boys�
Brigade Display last Friday night. Included in
the picture is L to R: (seated) Robert McCullagh -
Captain, Thomas Crawford, the Rev. Bobby Liddle, Tom
Crawford and Stephen McCullagh.
The Company Section Band that played at Legacurry
Boys� Brigade Display last Friday night. L to R:
Matthew Neill - Lead Guitar, Luke McCall - Vocals,
Ashley Turner - Drums, Jonny Paul - Rhythm Guitar
and Gareth Martin - Bass.