Lisa Megarry (left) and Jan Knowles
(right) recently returned from
missionary outreach work in Uganda,
are pictured with the Rector, the
Rev Paul Dundas at morning worship at Christ Church
Parish on Sunday 10th September.
The Rev. Diane Matchett (left) and
the Parish�s praise group - �Salt�, led the praise
at Christ Church Parish, Lisburn on Sunday 10th
During morning worship at Christ Church
Parish, Lisburn on Sunday 10th September, two young
members of the congregation - Lisa Megarry and Jan Knowles gave
an overview of their recent missionary outreach work in Uganda
in the summer using a slide and video presentation. The Rector,
the Rev Paul Dundas led the service and in commended Lisa and
Jan on being such fine ambassadors for the church, spoke about
how their work in sharing the Good News in Uganda, had changed
their Christian life. The Rev. Diane Matchett and the Parish�s
praise group - �Salt�, led the praise.
Lisa Megarry left on the 31st
July with eleven others for a two-week mission to Uganda with
�Ignite�. Based in a remote village just outside Kampala, she
was involved in children�s ministry, health education and baby
clinics and also to helped to paint a school. The team were
welcomed with open arms and anything they did, no matter how
small or insignificant, was really appreciated by the people in
the village. Lisa�s lasting memory of Africa is the warmth of
the Ugandan people and their generosity of spirit. She feels
truly blessed at having had this opportunity and looking back on
it all she feels that she has received far more than she could
ever have given. Lisa hopes to go back to Uganda some day.
Jan Knowles, was one of a team of 32
members and friends of Glenavy Parish Churches who left on
Sunday 9th July and divided into three sub-teams to
carry out medical, construction and schools� work for Fields of
Life. Jan was one of the 13-strong school team and during the
two weeks she was involved in conducing a summer-school
programme at Tabiro Primary School, which was financed by the
parish of Drummaul (near Randlestown) and built by Fields of
Life in 2003. During the second week Jan and her team conduced
a summer-school programme at the Vision Global Academy in Tororo
where they were joined by the Glenavy construction team.
Both Lisa and Jan concluded their talks by
emphasising the importance of sponsoring a child.