1st Loughaghery Boys� Brigade 14th Annual Display was held
in Loughaghery Presbyterian Church last Friday night.
The Guests of Honour were The Right Worshipful the Mayor -
Councillor Jonathan Craig, the Mayoress - Mrs Yvonne Craig and
the Rev. David McConaghy - Minister Emeritus and his wife
Maxine; the Chairman was Bob Gibson.
The programme included: March of the Day,
Little Monkeys, Farmers, Foxes and Fowl, and the Little Cowboy -
Anchor Boys; God Has the Power, Figure Marching, Team Games,
P.E.and Drill Down - Juniors; P.E., Ready, Steady, Cook, Praise
Group and Drill Down - Company Section. Under the Captaincy of
Trevor Bolton this is a very large and thriving Boys� Brigade
Company with a total of 117 boys and 13 officers on the roll.
Trevor reported that 7 boys, David Bolton, Matthew Arneil, John
Bogle, Philip Wilson, Jason Brownlee, Stephen and Mark
Cunningham are participating in the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award
and are working hard towards their expedition in July when they
will head to France where they will walk from France into Italy
across the Alps in a route covering 65 miles.
The Platform Party at Loughaghery Boys� Brigade
Display last Friday night: L to R: The
Rev. David McConaghy - Minister Emeritus and his
wife Maxine, The Right Worshipful the Mayor -
Councillor Jonathan Craig and the Mayoress - Mrs
Yvonne Craig with daughter Joanna.
Junior Section pictured at Loughaghery Boys�
Brigade Display last Friday night.
Anchor Boys ready to perform Farmers, Foxes and
Fowl at Loughaghery Boys� Brigade Display last
Friday night.
Three unlikey politicians prepare for the Ready,
Steady Cook sketch at Loughaghery Boys� Brigade
Display last Friday night. L to R: Philip
Wilson - Edwin Poots; Neil Cunningham - Jonathan
Craig (Mayor of Lisburn); Mathew Arneil - Mavis (one
of the BB Leaders); and John Bogle - Dr. Ian
Paisley. Jason Brownlee compered the sketch.
The Mayoress - Mrs Yvonne Craig presenting the
Queen�s Badge Certificate to James McConkey, and the
Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor Jonathan
Craig presenting the Queen�s Badge Certificate to
Stephen Cunningham. The picture was taken at
Loughaghery Boys� Brigade Display last Friday night.