Service celebrates the 175th Anniversary of Magheragall Parish Church
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Bronwen Dark (the Rector�s wife)
her 3 year-old daughter Claire and Eleanor McKnight
(right) pictured cutting a birthday cake celebrating
the 175th Anniversary of Magheragall
Parish Church.
A Service of Celebration was held in Magheragall Parish
Church last Thursday evening (25th May) to mark the 175th
anniversary of the consecration of this beautiful old church
on Thursday 2nd June 1831. The Rector, the Rev Nicholas
Dark led the service and the special guest was the Bishop of
Connor, the Rt. Rev. Alan Harper. The organist Margaret
Nelson and the church choir led the praise. Lisburn City
Councillors and MLA�s, Ministers, Diocesan Readers and members
from local churches and representatives from local schools
attended the service.
In his Ascension Day address, the Bishop,
Rt. Rev. Alan Harper, recalled that the then Bishop, Dr Richard
Mant consecrated the church 175 years ago. He said that if Mant
were to return today he would be amazed, just as amazed as the
eleven who saw Jesus ascend into heaven. He continued,
�Wonderful as it is to look back, we have to look forward.
Nothing stays the same and in this immensely changing world,
Christ is in all of it, ever present in the change but yet
Himself - remains changeless; He is the same yesterday, today
and forever.�
A balloon launch and supper in the church hall followed the
service. Other events and celebrations planned include a
sponsored abseil down the church tower next Saturday (3rd
June) a Birthday Service (morning), Parish Party Lunch and
Evening Praise Service next Sunday (4th June) and a Church Day
Out to Rathlin Island on Sunday 11th May which will include
attending Morning Service in St Thomas, Rathlin.
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Pictured at a Service of Celebration in
Magheragall Parish Church last Thursday evening
(prior to the launch of 175 balloons) is L to R:
(front row) Nigel Adams - Rectors Warden, Fred
Ruddell, the Rt. Rev Alan Harper - Bishop of Connor,
Rev Nicholas Dark - Rector, Rev. Canon J. R.
Musgrave and Jacqui Adams - Peoples Warden.
(back row) Rev Canon Will Murphy, Jack Hassard,
Jim Neill, Rev Donna Quigley, Helen McArthur, Rev
Canon William Bell, Rev Tom Priestly and the Very
Rev Hugh Kennedy.
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Pictured at a Service of Celebration in
Magheragall Parish Church last Thursday evening is L
to R: (front row) The Very Rev Hugh Kennedy, the Rt.
Rev. Alan Harper - Bishop of Connor, Councillor
Trevor Lunn - Deputy Mayor, Laureen Lunn, Rev
Nicholas Dark - Rector and Rev. Canon J. R.
Musgrave. (back row) Jean Crawford, Councillor
Ronnie Crawford, Rev Canon Will Murphy, Billy Bell -
MLA, Leona Bell and Rev Canon William Bell.