Pictured at the Harvest
Thanksgiving Service in St John�s Parish, Moira last
Sunday morning are L to R: (front) The Rev Canon
Roderic West - Rector and the Rev John Alderdice -
Methodist minister of Movilla Abbey. (back row) Mrs
Irene Cunningham - Organist, Bertie Logan - Lay
Reader and the Rev Joanne Megarrell - Curate
Harvest thanksgiving services were held last weekend in St
John�s Parish, Moira. A contemporary worship service was held
in the Parish Centre at 10.00am and the 11.30am service was held
in the church. The Rev John Alderdice, Methodist minister of
Movilla Abbey, was the speaker at both morning services. The
church was beautifully decorated for the occasion by a dedicated
team of volunteers from the parish.
The 11.30 morning service in the church was led by the
Rector, the Rev Canon Roderic West. The Rev Joanne Megarrell -
Curate and Bertie Logan - Lay Reader also took part. The
organist, Mrs Irene Cunningham and the church choir led the
praise. The hymns included, Come ye thankful people come; Holy
is the seed time; O worship the king; and I sing the almighty
power of God. The harvest anthems were, Room for all (Introit)
and Let the whole world know. Linda Doogan and the Praise Group
led the praise at the 10.00am contemporary worship service held
in the Parish Centre
The guest speaker at the evening service was the local
Methodist minister, the Rev Liz Hewitt and the guest speaker at
the Monday evening Harvest Praise service was the Rev Arthur
Young, rector of Tullylish. The Monday evening service was
followed by a harvest supper in the Parish Centre.
Linda Doogan and the Praise
Group that led the praise at the (10.00am)
contemporary worship Harvest Thanksgiving
Services in the Parish Centre - St John�s
Parish, Moira last Sunday morning.

Mrs Irene Cunningham - Organist (4th
from left), Bertie Logan - Lay Reader, the Rev John
Alderdice - Methodist minister of Movilla Abbey, the
Rev Canon Roderic West - Rector and the Rev Joanne
Megarrell - Curate, pictured with St John�s Parish
Church Choir that led the praise at the (11.30am)
Harvest Thanksgiving Service in St John�s Parish
Church last Sunday morning.