The Rev. Keith Duddy - Minister of First Dromore, was
appointed the new Moderator of Dromore Presbytery at a
Presbytery Meeting in Ballinderry Presbyterian Church on
Tuesday 7th March 2006, succeeding the Rev. Bobby Liddle
- Minister of Legacurry. The Clerk is the Rev. John
Davey - Minister of Hillsborough Presbyterian Church.
The 22 churches in the Dromore Presbytery are:
Anahilt, Ballinderry, Banbridge Road - Dromore,
Cargycreevy, Drumbo, Drumlough, Elmwood, First Dromara,
First Dromore, First Lisburn, Harmony Hill, Hillhall,
Hillsborough, Legacurry, Loughaghery, Magheragall, Maze,
Moira, Railway Street, Second Dromara, Sloan Street and
St. Columba�s.