Magheragall District Orange Lodges held
their annual Orange Service in Magheragall Methodist Church last
Sunday morning. Blaris Accordion Band under its conductor
George Caldwell led the Brethren on the short walk from
Knocknadona Temperance Protestant Hall to the church. The Rev
Clive Webster led the service and Roberta England on the organ
led the praise.

Pictured at the Magheragall
District Orange Service in Magheragall Methodist
Church last Sunday morning is L to R: (front) The
Rev Clive Webster and William Thompson - District
Master. (back row) Harrison Watson - District
Chaplain, Robert Moore - Deputy County Grand
Treasurer and Mark Jamison - District Treasurer.

Magheragall District Orange
Lodges pictured at Knocknadona Temperance Protestant
Hall prior to the parade to Magheragall Methodist
Church for their Annual Orange Service last Sunday

Blaris Accordion Band pictured
at Knocknadona Temperance Protestant Hall prior to
leading the parade to the Annual Orange Service in
Magheragall Methodist church last Sunday morning.