The Rev. John Robert Howard, Rector of the Grouped Parishes of
Annahilt and Magherahamlet was installed as Prebendary of
Dromara on the Chapter of Dromore Cathedral on Friday 24th
March 2006. The service was held in the Cathedral Church of
Christ the Redeemer, Dromore, and the Dean of Dromore, the
Very Rev. Stephen Lowry, conducted the installation ceremony.
The church was well filled for the occasion with many of Mr.
Howard�s family friends, parishioners and colleagues in the
ministry, some coming from as far away as Cork and Essex in
England. The Dean of Dromore - the Very Rev. Stephen Lowry
and the Precentor - the Rev. Canon James Sims led the service;
the Treasurer - Canon Roderic West and the new Prebendary -
Canon Howard led the prayers; the Archdeacon - the Venerable
W. John Scott and the Chancellor - the Rev Canon Brian T.
Blacoe gave the Scripture readings. In an inspiring address,
the Rev. Canon Philip Patterson - Prebendary of Dunsford,
chose as the topic �Ministry in the 21st Century� outlining
the priorities of ministers today and the basis for hope and
confidence in the face of all difficulties of ministry stating
that �God gives us hope in the Gospel.� David Falconer -
Organist, and the Cathedral Choir led the praise; the anthems
were: �Magnificat,� �Nunc Dimittis� and �Blessed be the God
and Father� and the hymns were: �Lift high the cross;� �O thou
who camest from above;� �Lord, you give the great commission;�
and the recessional hymn was �Forth in the peace of Christ we
go�. After the service of installation, the ladies of the
congregation served a lovely supper in the Cathedral Hall.
The Dean and Chapter of Dromore is first
mentioned in 1240. This medieval group of Dean, Archdeacon and
several Prebends was formalised with the letters patent issued
on 20th July 1609 to form its current shape: Dean,
Archdeacon, Chancellor, Precentor, Treasurer and Prebendary of
Dromara. Each stall in the cathedral is associated with
particular parishes. The Prebendary of Dromara has historically
connections with the Parish of Dromara, whilst the other chapter
members are associated with other parishes. A native of Cork,
Mr. Howard succeeds Canon Charlie Leeke who retired as
Prebendary of Dromara in January this year. Robert was ordained
on 29th June 1984, serving as curate assistant to the
former Chancellor of the Diocese, Canon John Moore, in
Donaghcloney and Waringstown and was Ordained Priest - Holy
Trinity Church, Waringstown on 30th June 1985. From
1988 to 1994, he was Rector of Saint Ninian�s, Belfast in Connor
Diocese and was instituted as Rector
of Annahilt and Magherahamlet (Diocese of Dromore) on 4th
February 1994. His installation as
Canon has no impact on his role as Rector, but represents an
acknowledgement by his bishop of his valuable service and
contribution to the life of the Diocese and of a faithful
ministry of almost 22 years.

The Rev. Canon Robert Howard pictured
with his proud parents Kenneth and Violet
Howard from Cork, at the Service of
Installation in Dromore Cathedral on Friday
24th March 2006.
Pictured at the Service of Installation
in Dromore Cathedral on Friday 24th March
2006 is L to R: (front row) Miss Nan
McMurray - Warden, the Rev. Canon Philip
Patterson - Prebendary of Dunsford, the new
Prebendary - Rev. Canon Robert Howard, the
Right Rev. Edward Darling and Scott Mackey -
Warden. (back row) Archdeacon John Scott,
Precentor James Sims, Dean Stephen Lowry,
Chancellor Brian Blacoe and Treasurer -
Roderic West, Rector of St. John�s Parish
Church, Moira.

Pictured at the Service of Installation
in Dromore Cathedral on Friday 24th March
2006 are L to R: Archdeacon John Scott,
Precentor James Sims, Dean Stephen Lowry,
the new Prebendary - Canon Robert Howard,
Chancellor Brian Blacoe and Treasurer
Roderic West, Rector of St. John�s Parish
Church, Moira.

The Rev. Canon Robert Howard pictured
with his parents Kenneth and Violet Howard
from Cork, at the Service of Installation in
Dromore Cathedral on Friday 24th March 2006.
Also included are Robert�s brother Mark
(right) and his sister Rosemary (back row)
with her husband Adrian and family Meghan
and Adam, from Essex England.