A Harvest Service was held in Quilly Orange Hall last
Sunday afternoon (1st October). The speaker was Gary
McMurray, a member of Dromore Cathedral and second year
ministry student at the Church of Ireland Theological College,
Dublin. Mrs Gladys Dreaning presided at the organ and
the guest singers were �The Watchmen� from Donacloney
Presbyterian Church. The offering was donated to Freda
Mulligan in support of her daughter Ruth�s missionary outreach
work in Africa.

Pictured at the Harvest Service in Quilly Orange
Hall last Sunday afternoon are L to R: (seated) The
Watchmen - Gilbert Alexander, Donald Bickerstaff,
Mrs Gladys Dreaning, Jim Dreaning and Errol
McDowell. (back row) Gary McMurray - Guest
Speaker, Gareth Lough - Deputy Master, Alan Roulston
- Treasurer, Wilson Beggs - Worshipful Master, Eric
Jess - Chaplain and Deputy District Master, Will
Lough - District Master and Paul Roulston.

Eric Jess - Chaplain (and Deputy District Master)
presents the offering from Quilly Harvest to Freda
Mulligan in support of her daughter Ruth�s
missionary outreach work in Africa.